Can I Talk to You (G Street Chronicles Presents) Page 16
“Trent!” she screamed.
“It looks better that way,” I snickered.
“I’m a fuck you up,” she pouted.
“That’s what I want you to do,” I professed, as I grabbed her thighs and lifted her off her feet. “Wrap those legs around me,” I whispered and she did it.
I roughly leaned her against the shower’s wall. “Umm,” she moaned as I slid inside of her.
Being with her put me in a different world and I found it harder and harder to revisit reality. “I want you to have my baby,” I whispered without even thinking about what I was saying. Once I said it, no part of me wanted to take it back.
I pumped inside of her as hard as I could as she screamed my name and scratched my back. We were both losing control. Every stroke I made, she matched. She squeezed that pussy around me making my knees weak. I gripped her ass and continued to stroke her. I stared into her eyes, making sure that she felt me. I thought that I was seeing shit when I saw tears roll down her cheeks. I kissed her lips and pumped one last time before releasing everything I had inside of her.
* * * * *
I slept like a baby in Trent’s California style king sized bed after he’d brought me to tears the night before. I woke up smiling and I didn’t know why. The sun was shining through the slits in the blinds, and the sky never seemed so beautiful. I hadn’t felt that good since…forever. I turned to my left and he was still asleep. I couldn’t stop myself from kissing his handsome face. I had only dreamed of finding a man like him. He made me feel so good that I couldn’t stop the constant butterflies in my stomach. Every time I thought about him, the nagging thought that this could all one day come to an end drove me nuts. This thing with him was so different from anything that I’d shared with any other man, including Ken.
Ken was like a crutch for me so that I never had to swim in the deep end without a lifejacket. With Trent, I felt like I was swimming with the sharks with no backup support. I was all the way out there and I was so scared of drowning.
I thought about the pictures I saw sitting on Trent’s dresser. He had different shots of him at clubs with his boys. In three of the pictures, I saw a very familiar face. I knew Ted’s face anywhere. Who would ever think that those two niggas knew each other? I knew that the world is small, but damn. This was too close to home. I didn’t know Ted and Trent’s relationship to each other, but it didn’t matter. A part of me couldn’t help but feel like revenge was mine. Nothing could compare to Ted fucking that bitch in my bed, but at least I had my own personal satisfaction in knowing that I was fucking his boy. I thought about asking Trent just how did he know my loser ex, but didn’t have the energy to go down that road. I’d bring it up another time when I was really ready to talk about Ted’s sorry ass.
Before I could have another thought, a wave of nausea hit me hard. I scattered to the restroom and barely made it to the toilet before I spilled my guts everywhere.
* * * * *
When I opened my eyes, Keirah was no longer in bed with me. Before I could even entertain the thought of searching for her, somebody rang the doorbell.
“Who the fuck is that?” I mumbled as I got out of bed.
As I made my way down the stairs, they rang the doorbell again. I glanced at the monitor near the door and saw Ted’s impatient ass out there.
“Nigga, I should’ve known that it was your ass,” I grumbled, as I snatched the door open.
“I tried calling your phone,” he claimed, as he stepped inside.
“Oh, that’s my bad. I turned my phone off last night,” I yawned as I closed my door.
“You turned your phone off? Nigga, money must be good for you to do it like that.”
“I ain’t complaining,” I exhaled. “But I turned my phone off cause this bitch kept calling,” I revealed, as I sat on the couch.
“Who?” he asked as he took a seat on the ottoman.
“You remember that bitch that I was talking to named Karen?”
He thought for a second. “The yellow broad with a fat ass?”
“Yeah, well the bitch is nuts. She saw me and Baby at the movies last weekend, and ever since then she been blowing a nigga up. The other day she called me crying, asking me to give our relationship another try. I told the crazy bitch that we were never together in the first place. Man, she called so much last night that I had to turn my phone off. I might have to change my number.”
“Damn. You must have really put the dick on her,” he laughed.
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “So, you came to get the rest of your clothes?”
“Yeah. I just moved into my new apartment.”
“You lying?” my jaw dropped.
“No, I’m serious. I was tired of living with bitches that I barely wanted to be bothered with.”
“That’s what’s up,” I nodded “So what…you single now?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I was thinking about stopping by Pretty Girl’s spot.”
“For what?”
“Cause man, I realized that I love that girl. I tried to forget about her, but the feelings just won’t go away.”
“Damn. How long has it been since y’all was together?”
“Almost six months.”
“You don’t think that she don moved on by now?”
“I don’t know. I hope not, but the way I’m feeling that don’t even matter now. I feel like the other nigga don’t even matter. It’s just about her forgiving me; and if I can get her to do that, then I know that I can push the next nigga out the scene.”
“I hear you,” I nodded.
“Baby, you on that phone again?” Keirah asked as she came down the stairs in my t-shirt.
Ted looked back. “What the fuck?”
Keirah stopped dead in her tracks and I assumed that it was because of what she was wearing. “Baby, I…I…I didn’t know that you had company,” she stuttered from the middle of the stairs.
“Baby?” my little brother mimicked as he stood. “Keirah, what the fuck are you doing here with my brother?”
“Your brother?” she asked in shock.
“Yeah, my brother.” He nodded with a snarl.
She put her hand on her hip and twisted her neck. “First of all, I didn’t know that he was your brother, and it really don’t matter cause you ain’t my fucking man.”
“Bitch…” he started.
“Whoa, whoa,” I stood up. “Hold up, Ted, man. You can’t be disrespecting my woman like that.”
“Your woman?!” he shouted.
“Yeah, his woman,” Keirah sassed.
Ted had the saddest look in his eyes. “How long have you been fucking Pretty Girl?” he asked me.
This shit was crazy. “She’s Pretty Girl?”
“Hell, yeah.” He growled.
“Lil bro,” I sighed. “I had no idea, man.”
“You didn’t know?” he asked, not looking so sure.
“No, I didn’t know.”
“But I bet you this bitch knew!” he lashed.
“Nigga, my mama didn’t birth no bitch! And I didn’t know that he was your brother, not that it would have made a difference.”
“You know what?” he asked as he walked toward the stairs.
I grabbed his forearm. “Say man, chill out.”
He looked down at my hand. “You can let me go, Killah. I ain’t gon touch her.”
“I’m just making sure, nigga.”
He jerked away from me. “So what…you plexing over this bitch?”
“Ted, you was just saying how you love her and now you want to call her out of her name? That shit ain’t cool. And I’m not about to let you disrespect her because of some shit that she had no control over.”
“Yeah, okay. I won’t touch her,” he nodded. “I can’t control what she does. But you my brother, nigga. That shit should count for something! You can’t imagine how this shit makes me feel.”
“You should be the last t
o speak on how something makes you feel. We wouldn’t even be standing right here if it wasn’t for your dog ass! You fucked that nasty bitch in my bed, remember?” Keirah screamed.
“And I told you that I was sorry,” he looked up at her.
“You can be sorry for all you want,” she clapped her hands. “But I aint fucking with ya sorry ass!”
“Kell, didn’t mean shit to me, Keirah.”
“She must have meant something for you to fuck her in our bed,” Keirah fumed.
“Baby, we should have handled this shit better,” my brother said as he placed his foot on the bottom of my stairs.
“Baby? Hold up, Ted man. I know that you got feelings for her, but she ain’t fucking with you like that,” I reminded him.
He looked back at me. “Is it that she ain’t fucking with me like that, or you ain’t letting her fuck with me like that?”
“Either way, it ain’t happening,” I asserted.
He let out a pissed off chuckle. “She was once pregnant with my baby, Trent.”
“And I killed that bastard,” she taunted.
“What?!” he roared as he tried to charge at her. I grabbed him before I could even think about it and slammed him against the wall.
“Nigga, I know that you wasn’t thinking about putting your hands on me!”
“Keirah, chill out!” I commanded.
“Get off of me!” Ted yelled as he broke away from me. “So, you gon keep fucking with her?” his chest heaved up and down.
“What you want me to do, man? She ain’t fucking with you no more. Why does it matter?”
“Nigga, are you serious?! I just told you how I feel about her and you still want to be with her?”
“Okay,” I licked my lips. “And I heard you. But before today, you knew that I was dealing with a female that I have feelings for too. Am I just supposed to walk away from that? The damage is done, lil bro. And I wish that shit had turned out differently, but it didn’t. I got love for her.”
“You love her?” he asked me in disbelief.
I took a deep breath. “Yeah, I love her.”
He stared at me long and hard with malice in his eyes and then hunched his shoulders. “What can I say to that?” he shook his head and then glanced up at Keirah and then back at me. “You still my brother, though,” he hugged me.
“You treat her right, man,” he grumbled before he walked out of the door.
I stood there stunned. Ted was my only brother. Our mama had passed away a few years ago and we hadn’t seen our daddy since I was ten and he was eight. He was the only immediate family I had left. We had never let a girl come between us. I felt bad, but not bad enough to let Keirah go. I meant it when I said that I loved her.
Chapter 18
I don’t know why the thought of Ted and Trent being brothers never entered my mind. I really thought that they were friends or something. Guilt had really struck home with this one. I didn’t like that I was interfering in their relationship.
“Baby, are you okay?” Trent asked me as he held me in his arms.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I nodded.
“Then why are you so quiet?”
“I’m just relaxing and thinking. Ain’t that what people usually do when they’re in the tub?” I laughed.
“Shut up,” he chuckled as he splashed a little water in my face.
“But for real, are you sure about this, Trent?” I asked him.
“Sure about what?”
“About us. I don’t want to be the cause of you and your brother beefing.”
“Baby, I know my brother and he’ll get over it. He can’t blame me for this. There was no way that we could’ve known how shit was going to go down.”
“Did you mean what you told him?” I wanted to know.
“Mean what?”
I took a deep breath. He would make me say it. “Did you mean it when you said that you love me?”
“Yeah, I meant it,” he nodded.
“So, why hadn’t you told me?”
“I don’t know. I guess cause you make it hard to tell you how I feel. You always like to shy away from conversations about your feelings. Maybe the shit rubbed off on me.”
“Really?” I sighed.
“See, there it goes right there. You can never accept what a nigga says to you. Everybody don’t spend their time trying to bullshit you.”
“I hear everything that you’re saying, baby. You just have to bear with me because I’m all fucked up in the head. It’s not you, cause you’re the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“Let you tell it,” he breathed, as he placed a kiss on my neck.
* * * * *
I stood just glaring at Trent as he stared at his cell. That was the third time his phone had rang within the last two minutes. “Ain’t you gon answer it?”
“Nah,” he shook his head as he focused on the TV.
“What the fuck ever,” I mumbled as I walked upstairs.
I heard him, but I kept on walking until I heard him coming after me. “So, you just gon act like you don’t hear me talking to you?”
I took a seat on his bed. “What is it, Trent?”
He nodded. “Okay, smart ass. I told you that the girl won’t stop calling.”
“Let you tell it.”
“Oh, so now you trying to be funny?”
“Pretty much. Who’s to say that you won’t answer the phone once I ain’t around?”
“Because you should trust me.”
“Trust you? You want me to trust you when you got all these bitches calling you non-stop?”
“Since we been together niggas have called you, but do I hold that shit over your head?!”
“Cause you know that I ain’t doing shit!”
“But I am, right?”
I sucked my teeth. “Look, I ain’t trying to argue with you. If you say that you ain’t fucking anybody else, then you ain’t fucking anybody else.”
“Don’t bullshit me,” he told me as he slid next to me. “I want you to trust me, baby. That’s all I want.”
“Well, if you want me to trust you, you have to make sure that I’m secure. How would you feel if some nigga refused to stop calling me?”
“I wouldn’t like it, so that’s why to kill all this shit I’m just going to change my number,” he declared, as he wrapped his arms around me.
“Get off of me,” I whined trying my best to suppress a smile.
“Look at you blushing and shit,” he cooed as he stole a kiss.
“No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. I love you.”
He looked at me for a second.
He shook his head. “Never mind. Come on, let’s go watch TV,” he urged as he pulled me to my feet. He guided me back down stairs, sat down, and then pulled me next to him.
“Can you put your man’s mind at ease?” he whispered as he took my hand and placed it in his jeans.
I gave him a smile before a quick peck. “Anything for you,” I uttered before dropping to my knees. I hungrily took him into my mouth. I always aimed to please, but with him I put in overtime. I needed him to feel what my mouth couldn’t convey.
“Damn, baby,” he gently pulled my hair. “Fuck!” he bit his bottom lip.
I knew that I had him, but I wasn’t done yet. I climbed to my feet and slowly undressed. I saw that his dick was standing in anticipation. My pussy juiced up at the sight.
As I straddled him, he took both breasts into his palms. He caressed them as I slid down on him. I could always feel him in my stomach. I arched my back as I began to bounce. His balls were slapping against my ass as I slammed into him. We were making our own erotic music.
My juices were becoming a sloppy mess all over him. Sweat was forming at the top of his forehead as my tits bounced around.
“Aw, this feels so good,” I let out.
“Yeah,” he agreed
as he slapped my ass. Then he pulled me close. We were now chest to breasts. He pumped inside of me and I could feel every inch of him.
“Cum on this dick,” he urged. “Cum for, Daddy.”
“Ugh,” I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from screaming.
He shook his head. “Naw, don’t hold it back. Let that shit out,” he hammered into my pussy causing it to fart.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. “Aww! Oh, God, I’m cumming! Aww!” I screamed as I came all over his dick.
“That’s what I’m talking about,” he moaned before shoving his tongue down my throat. At that very moment, I could feel him releasing inside of me. That made my clit thump.
“Umm,” I moaned against him while allowing our juices to mingle.
“Now, bend it over,” he demanded with a slap to my ass.
I happily crawled to all fours and tooted my ass in the air. I could still feel his cum dripping down my thighs. I loved how he could bust one nut and still remain hard.
Trent gripped my ass before plunging inside of me. My wetness was loud and I was hot. I reached between my thighs and rubbed my clit as he slid in and out.
“Oh, yeah. Fuck me!” I urged. “Fuck your pussy, daddy.”
“This my pussy? This my pussy?”
“Yesss. You know this is all yours.”
“So, I can I do whatever I want with my pussy, right?”
“Uh huh,” I nodded.
“Good,” he let out right before he pulled out of me.
He dropped down to his knees and put his entire face in my pussy. I rubbed it around making sure that he didn’t miss a spot. He licked my clit as bounced my ass loving the feeling.
I was on the verge of cumming when he pulled away and straddled my ass. He was standing on his couch as he slid back inside of me. His balls were slapping my pussy lips as he rode me. He was deep.
“Oh, yeah. Fuck meeee…Fuck!”
“I’ma fuck you alright,” he growled as he gripped my shoulders from the back. He pounded into me and I took it all in stride.
“Shit, I’m about to cum. Baby, catch this,” he said as he pulled out.
I hopped to my knees and opened wide. He shoved his dick in my mouth and released. His cum tasted so sweet and I had no problem swallowing every single drop.