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Can I Talk to You (G Street Chronicles Presents) Page 13
Can I Talk to You (G Street Chronicles Presents) Read online
Page 13
It pissed me off that I had allowed another man to come into my life and turn shit upside down. I tried keeping my guard up, but not even that worked. He still somehow seeped through and got to my heart and crushed it. And Kell…Man, I just wanted to strangle that bitch. She had me for a minute. I actually defended her when Ted tried to kick her ass out. If I only knew then what I know now. I thought about what Ken told me that night I ran back into him. He was right and was trying to tell me that the bitch was selling her pussy. I don’t know how I let that fly over my head. I felt like the dumbest bitch on the planet. I couldn’t even bring myself to tell my friends because I was always the bitch telling them what I ain’t gon put up with, and look at me now. I let shit get so out of hand that they felt comfortable enough to do the shit in the bed that we shared. There was no respect. Niggas just didn’t give a shit and I figured that I might as well adapt that same attitude. It is a dog eat dog kind of world, and I was quickly realizing that I had to roll or get rolled over.
In that past month, I’d met so many niggas on the line, and I had sampled about three. Usually I’d only deal with one man at a time, but I was tired of living the way that people thought that a woman should. I did whatever made me feel good at the time. It was never personal. Always protected sex and when it was all over, I would get dressed and leave the motel sometimes while they were still stewing in our juices. Shit, two of the niggas stopped calling after expressing problems with my coldness. Personally, I didn’t give a damn. I didn’t like sensitive niggas anyway.
Yeah, I was definitely doing me, and then here comes Trent, throwing a monkey wrench into my program. I was supposed to be footloose and fancy-free; not sitting around imagining myself married and pregnant with any man’s child. I was so done with trying to live out a fairytale. Trent didn’t seem like the type to have just one girl. From what I could tell, he had his own money, and a big dick to boot. So I knew that I wasn’t the only girl getting her back blown out by him. I was trying like hell to convince myself that I didn’t care one way or another. Still, I could tell that if he kept coming around that I’d be in deep shit. He could make me weak and that wasn’t something that I needed in my life. Shit, the next time might really bring me to my knees.
Killah, aka Trent, was looking scrumptious as he slept. He was built like an Adonis. He had hard, washboard abs, and tight thighs. Shit, his entire body looked like it had been sculptured. I knew that he had pussy for days. I would sometimes get wet when I would even glance at his hazel eyes. The waves in his hair were perfectly aligned. It was like he was unreal. He was flawless with little effort. He looked like just like the type of man that I usually avoided, but that didn’t matter this time around. I was doing whatever I wanted with him because I knew that we’d never be more than fucking buddies anyway.
My thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone ringing. He didn’t so much as squirm in his sleep. After about thirty seconds, the cell went off again with the same ring tone played, Twenty-one Questions. I knew that it was a broad calling him. After the fourth call, he finally rolled over and grabbed his cell.
“Yeah?” he answered.
I couldn’t hear what was said on the other end. “Man, why are you calling me so early in the morning?” he grumbled.
He paused for a response. “I told you that I was going to call you back, and that time for me to call you back ain’t here yet.”
That was harsh. I wouldn’t want to be that girl on the phone. I couldn’t help but wonder if one day that would be me calling and receiving the same treatment.
“Uh huh,” he nodded. “Alright, I’m a hit you back…I said that I will hit you back,” he snapped before hanging the phone up. He turned to me. “My bad if I woke you up with that shit.”
“No, you good,” I smiled.
“You sure?” he asked with a raised brow.
“Yeah. I figured that it must have been important by the way that they kept calling.”
“Nah, it ain’t like that. That was somebody that I thought that I liked for a minute.”
“Then what happened?”
“She has some hang-ups that I just didn’t have time for. She needs to get that shit straight on her own, then try to find a man.”
“What kind of hang-ups?” I wanted to know.
He chuckled. “We gon leave that alone.”
“Okay,” I shrugged.
“You must be off on Saturdays?”
“Yeah,” I yawned. “You hungry?”
“Hell yeah.”
“Well, let’s go get some breakfast.”
“Go get? What happened to the homemade shit?”
“We ain’t eating nothing homemade unless you cooking it.”
“Oh, it’s like that?”
“Yeah, it’s like that.”
“Alright,” he laughed as he pushed me back and climbed on top of me pinning me down.
“Move,” I giggled.
“No,” he whispered as he kissed my lips. “I need some pussy to get my morning started right.”
“Well, I don’t know where you gon get that from.”
“Right here,” he growled, as he pushed my legs apart with his knee.
It was like our bodies were made to become one. He slid right inside of me without even fumbling to find my entrance. He filled me up like nobody else. Every time I thought that I had the biggest dick already, some nigga would come along and prove me wrong. Trent was at least twelve inches strong, but it was crazy how his dick was shaped a lot like Ted’s. Trent’s dick was just longer than Ted’s, but they both had mushroom-shaped heads with thickness that could stretch any pussy out.
Right when he was digging deep in my guts, my cell went off. I knew by the ring tone that it was somebody that I just met from the chat line a few nights before. I tried to reach for the phone on my nightstand and he grabbed my hand and pinned me down once again.
“This is my time. Talk to them niggas later,” he gritted, all while never missing a stroke. He was taking control of the pussy and making me feel so much pleasure that I didn’t know what to do with myself. He could’ve had it all at that very moment. He was turning me into a fiend.
We never did make it to breakfast or lunch that day. The only reason why we torn away from each other was because later that evening he had to go handle some business. After he’d been gone a few hours, I found myself wanting to hear the sound of his voice. I didn’t want to be the first to call, but after a while, I said fuck it and called him. His cell rang three times before his voicemail picked up. I couldn’t believe that nigga had hit that ignore button on my ass.
I wasn’t even about to play myself and call him again, so I decided to call that nigga that called earlier. He was fresh meat. I’d met him on the line and we’d met in person once. We hadn’t done anything yet. Just as I picked up the phone again, it started ringing. It was Trent.
“Hello,” I answered dryly.
“What’s up?” he asked me.
“Oh, nothing. I was just calling to see what you were doing, but I guess you’re busy.”
“Are you asking or telling me that I’m busy?”
“No, I was just assuming because…”
He cut me off. “You ain’t supposed to assume nothing. I sent you to voicemail because I was on the phone with my brother. The conversation was coming to an end, so I figured I’d hit you right back, which I did.”
“Oh,” I sighed.
“Oh,” he mimicked me. “You ain’t gotta be like that with me. I’ll try to keep it real with you no matter what, unless you do something to change that. Even then, I’ll leave you alone before I play games with you.”
“I hear you.”
“No, I need you to feel me.”
“Yeah, okay.”
“What did you eat today?” he changed the subject.
“A sandwich, why?”
“Cause I’m starving. You want to go grab something to eat?”
“Yeah, I don’t mind. Where do you want me t
o meet you?”
“Well, I was thinking that we could ride together. I’m right outside your gate.”
“How long have you been out there?” I asked him in shock.
“I was driving over when you called me.”
“Really? What if I would have been gone?”
“Then I would have called your phone to see where you were.”
“I guess.”
“Yeah, so throw on some clothes and come outside,” he instructed.
I stood in my closet not knowing what to wear. Trent was a man that probably dealt with model type bitches so I couldn’t half step. So, I pulled out my crème denim, Armani Exchange jeans, and sheer floral print Armani blouse. I put on a gold bra and thong since my bra would be slightly visible with my outfit.
Once I was fully dressed, I felt sexy. Thankfully, I’d curled my hair earlier, so I was good to go and it all paid off when I saw the expression on Trent’s face. The moment I stepped out my door, his eyes followed me. When I slid in his passenger’s seat, he sat with his mouth open.
“Close your mouth,” I teased as I tilted his chin up.
“Where you going like that? You making me feel underdressed,” he admitted, as he looked down at his clothes.
I didn’t see anything wrong with his attire. He was rocking the standard white tee with denim jeans and crisp white Forces. You can’t go wrong with that. “You good,” I shook my head.
“Let you tell it,” he laughed as he backed out of the driveway.
Pappa’s Seafood was crowded, but that was to be expected on a Saturday night. There was a wait time to even get seated, but we didn’t have to wait long after Trent slid the host a fifty. I didn’t think that it was necessary, but that was his money.
As we followed the waitress to our table, I noticed stares from every one; male and female. We were seated in a booth per my request. The waitress was a friendly, young black chick that gave Trent a huge smile the entire time she took his order. She gave me a smile too, but it wasn’t as pleasant.
Although, Trent felt that he should’ve changed, that didn’t stop the attention he received from the opposite sex. He still looked and smelled like money. His big face watch was iced-out right along with the long chain around his neck. I guess that it was platinum and diamonds. His fitted cap sat tilted on his head, while his hazel eyes searched the room.
“It’s a lot of people in here tonight,” he mumbled.
“I know,” I smiled as a group of handsome dudes passed our table. One guy openly stared at me as he walked by and even looked back once he was a few feet away.
“Bitch ass nigga,” Trent mumbled.
“Who are talking about?” I asked.
“That nigga that you was in a staring contest with.”
“I was not staring at anybody.”
“Let you tell it,” he sighed. “You like flirting, huh?”
“Why do you say that?”
“Cause, you flirted with me while your nigga was a few feet away,” he reminded me.
I wanted to tell him that that situation was different. A nigga with swagger like his didn’t come around every day, and I just couldn’t help myself. But I just couldn’t see myself gassing a man up like that. “I was just having problems with him at the time, so I was like, fuck it,” I said instead.
“So, when you have problems in your relationships, you fuck around?” he asked.
“No. That whole thing was complicated, so let’s just leave that alone,” I waved him off.
“You really got your guards up, you know that?”
I raised a brow. “How so?”
“I can just tell. You try to act so unaffected by shit.”
“Whatever,” I rolled my eyes.
“That’s real talk. You try to act so hard, but that ain’t you.”
“How do you know?” I snapped.
“Because I can see it in your eyes.”
“Okay, since you know me so well, what’s my problem?”
“A’ight,” he nodded. “Somebody hurt you and got you scared.”
“Scared of what?” I asked.
“Of feeling the way you did when they hurt you.”
“Okay, Dr. Phil,” I sighed. He was hitting too close to home for my comfort.
“Why did your last relationship end, Keirah?”
“Cause the nigga cheated,” I shrugged.
“And that didn’t hurt you?”
“Of course it did, but that’s life; you know?”
“That’s life? Wow. I guess that’s the attitude to have,” he blew out hot air. “So, does the nigga ever try to get at you now?”
“Yeah, he tried in the beginning, but he stopped calling a while ago.”
“Did you love him?”
I thought about it. I mean, I told Ted that I loved him all the time, but did I really mean it? I loved fucking him. I loved when he gave me compliments. I loved when he massaged my feet after work. I loved how understanding he was, but did I love him? “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.
Trent gave me a look of confusion. “So, you don’t know if you loved the man that you shared your bed with every night?”
“No, I don’t,” I sighed.
“How, Keirah?”
“What do you mean, how?”
“You seem like a well-rounded chick. I mean…you got your shit together, so why would you be involved in a relationship with no love?”
“I never said that there was no love. It’s just that my last boyfriend came along at a crazy time. I had just ended a relationship with an abusive bastard. His daily mission was to drag me down, so when I met the new dude I was vulnerable. I needed the compliments and gentleness he provided. It helped me to heal from the mistreatment. That was the reason things moved so fast between us. I had never met any of his family and barely knew where he worked. If I had taken my time, I would have a noticed a few things about him. I lived in the same house with that man and never really knew him. So, what I’m saying is that I didn’t know him well enough to love him completely, but I loved the things he did for me. And then when things turned around, and he didn’t have a lot of the positives that I liked about him, it sobered me up. It was like I was just existing in a relationship, but there were no more fireworks. When I no longer craved those compliments or his touch, he became less desirable. It wasn’t anything in particular that I didn’t like about him, but there wasn’t one thing that I was crazy about either. I feel like if I hadn’t caught him cheating, the break-up wouldn’t have affected me nearly as much.”
“So, if y’all would’ve ended on better terms, you would have been okay with going your own separate way?”
“Basically. I just didn’t like the idea of being his fool. I felt like he got over and it left me wondering why I can’t get a nigga to act right. It took me back to all my failed relationships.”
“You just said it, baby. You were with somebody just to be with somebody. He wasn’t somebody that you couldn’t live without, and I’m sure that if you felt that, it reflected in your actions. He might have felt that lack of love from you.”
“Maybe,” I shrugged.
“So, why don’t you get with a man that makes you see fireworks?”
“That’s a good one. A wise man once told me to get with the one that loves you and not the one you love. When you get with a person that you desire in every way you can lose yourself. I need control of my shit.”
He started laughing hard. “Girl, that’s the dumbest shit I ever heard. I can’t see myself being with a bitch just because she likes me more. That ain’t gon make me happy. There are plenty of women that would love to fuck with me, but I want who I want; not who necessarily wants me. Shit, if that was the case we wouldn’t even be sitting here right now.”
“What do you mean?” I asked confused.
“If you only knew,” he shook his head. “You don’t know just how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
By the end of dinner, I was fat, full and felt relaxed wi
th Trent. I never thought that I’d see the day. He had his own money. Big money at that. He could have just about any woman he wanted, and he was right there with me seeming to hang on to my every word. A few years ago, I would have taken the chemistry between us and ran with it, but now I knew better. He had a trick up his sleeve and I was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Chapter 16
For two months now, me and Keirah had been going strong. She had my undivided attention and had no trouble keeping it. She knew how to give a nigga his space, but she had also perfected making me feel good when we did spend time together. Being with her was always a stress-free time.
She cooked for me. She cleaned up after me. She talked to me. And she fucked me…GOOD. Lil Mama loved sex more than any woman I’d ever dated. With the long hours she put in at work, you’d think that she didn’t have the energy to fuck a nigga all night long, but she was my little energizer bunny.
Her freaky ass had cost me a few G’s. The other day while we were leaving a Texans’ game, she decided that she would give me some head while I was driving. The head was off the chain. In fact, it was so good that I rear ended a Lexus while at a red light. The driver was a little pissed, but we got everything squared away when I gave them three grand on the spot. Then we headed our separate ways. Baby thought that shit was funny, and to show her ass that I wasn’t the man to laugh at, I took her home and wore that ass out.
Even after taking a three thousand loss, my day was good until Keirah’s cell rung. It was every bit of three in the morning. She was knocked out so I answered the phone.
“Hello,” some nigga repeated.